The Platform Builder

This single word has the power to kill or kindle a writer’s career. Platform. The term cripples a lot of would-be authors, so their messages and stories never go any further than their minds.

Anita Brooks -- Building a Platform
The Platform Builder — Creates Opportunity One Step at a Time

But a lack of platform mustn’t stop you from writing. If you don’t have a platform, or any idea of where to begin, help is available. All you have to do is ask.

The secret to a strong platform doesn’t lie in desperately trying to nail interviews, endorsements, speaking gigs, or social media fame. A solid marketing foundation requires a balance of pieces, fitted together in time, with patience and supervision.

Teaming up with a savvy Supervisor, someone who oversees the methodology behind building momentum for your message, can set you apart. Someone who works with the design, who schedules the work crew, and takes the worry out of the process. A Leader you can confidently partner with.

I found my Master Platform Builder in the Bible.

His watchful eye keeps creations moving in the right direction.

Without Him, I can wear myself out, hoping to grow my writing endeavors into something bigger than I am. Psalm 127:1-2 says it best:

Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain.
In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to those he loves.

In Control -- Anita Brooks
Relinquishing Control to The Platform Builder

Recently, I realized I hadn’t fully submitted my own messages to the guidance of The Platform Builder. And I’m striving to do something about it. Here are a few ways I’m following His direction, as I bend my will, so he can create a unique marketing stage for my work:

  • Start each day asking the Lord to build where I can’t, and to show me where I should invest my energy.
  • Keep good notes as ideas come throughout the day. Create a goal list spurred from this basis.
  • Take courage and stand true to my beliefs, in written word, and in spoken interactions with those I meet along the way. 
  • Implement at least one action item each day geared toward helping The Builder make my goals become reality.
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out. If God is for me, no one can be against. Rejection simply means there’s more to do.
  • Praise God in advance, before results of hard work are evident.
  • Maintain my platform with regular upkeep. Consult my Supervisor to ensure there are no loose boards, bent nails, or weak trusses.
  • Resolve to remain humble and helpful to others when good things do happen. After all, this calling isn’t all about me, it’s all about Him. 

Anita Brooks -- Pages in BooksGod owns every nuance necessary to create otherwise unimaginable opportunities. Amazing things happen when we submit our will to the expertise of The Platform Builder. He is the author of holy introductions, miraculous occurrences, and creative inspirations. He owns everything a writer needs to succeed at screen sharing.

What incredible pieces has The Platform Builder provided for your writing?

23 Replies to “The Platform Builder”

  1. Anita, this was so good! I have been spinning my wheels lately over my writer’s platform, and God told me to spend my energy writing, and He would take care of the rest later.
    Appreciate your honest words…

  2. You are so right, Anita! I have prayed for guidance through every step of my writing and platform building. I don’t want it to be my plan. I want His plan. Thanks for the great advice!

    My current platform involves my tagline, “Historical Fiction That Travels.” I’m building on my platform through my website, and my travel and writing blog, “Pens on a World Map,” I want to connect travelers, writers, and readers together in an online community to share our travel and writing stories, give encouragement and fellowship with each other.


  3. Anita, this is a perfect reminder to me to turn my writing career over to God. I’m such a control freak that this is the hardest piece for me; I think when I hit a brick wall, I need to break through it instead of letting God lead me over or around it. This column goes in my ‘Keeper’ file. Thanks for the post.

  4. This article is “spot on.” We can push, shove, bribe, cajole, fret, master social media, you name it, as we strive to build our platform. All of that is worth zero if God’s not in control. Thanks for the great reminder. There’s peace in letting go.

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