WordServe News: March 2015

Exciting things have been happening at WordServe Literary!

On the final post of each month you’ll find a list of Water Cooler contributors’ books releasing in the upcoming month along with a recap of WordServe client news from the current month.

New Releases

Anita Agers-Brooks released her second book, Getting Through What You Can’t Get 9781616264185_p0_v1_s260x420Over with Shiloh Run Press.

*************************************************************************************************Sandra Bricker released another title with Abingdon Press, On a Ring and a Prayer. 










Jonathan McKee released his latest nonfiction book with Bethany House, More than Just 9780764212949_p0_v2_s260x420the Talk along with Sex Matters. 










Sarah Parshall Perry released her book with Revell Publishers, Sand in My Sandwich.9780800724108_p0_v1_s260x420 


New Contracts

Marcus Brotherton will be working with Robert Morris on a collaboration project in partnership with Thomas Nelson. Greg Johnson, agent of record.

Rick Lawrence signed a new contract with Group Publishing for his 2016 release, The Jesus-Centered Life. Greg Johnson, agent of record.

Mike Yorkey will be working with Ken Verheyen on a collaboration project for his book Crazy Success. Greg Johnson, agent of record.

What We’re Celebrating!!

Steve Addison’s book Movements was released in German!

AFFIRM Films and Mass Hysteria Entertainment Inc. have announced their partnership to develop a motion picture based on the book, The Devil In Pew Number Seven written by Rebecca Nichols Alonzo with Bob DeMoss

Hugh Halter’s book Flesh was named Missional Living book of the year by Outreach Magazine!

Lauren Scruggs was interviewed on The Today Show on 3/6/15!

Tricia Williford’s And Life Comes Back is a finalist for the 2015 Christian Book Award in the category of New Authors!