Tips for Landing an Agent

Why hello, there. Welcome to the official launch of our blog, The WordServe Water Cooler. A place where WordServe clients gather to build community and help writers move forward in their careers.

Let’s get this party started, shall we?

For our first post, we wanted to offer some tangible tips for anyone searching for an agent. Here’s what helped us. We hope it helps you!

Seek professional feedback on your work before submitting.

Rosslyn Elliott – After I finished my first novel, I had a funny feeling there might be a technical flaw in the novel’s opening. Instead of wondering, I hired a pro editor to look over my first three chapters. Sure enough, the queasy feeling was justified. I fixed the problem, and Rachelle signed me that summer.

Jordyn Redwood – I met Greg during an agent appointment at ACFW in 2009. I had a polished one sheet and the first three chapters of my novel. Next step, he wanted a book proposal. I asked for examples from other authors and paid to have it freelance edited. Keeping my word and presenting professional work tipped the scales in my favor. Greg might say it was my use of dialogue but everything you do counts.

A pass on one project doesn’t mean you can’t try again with others.

Olivia Newport – Years ago I was invited to join a brand new book group. When the dust settled, a group of freelance writers and editors were the core. A couple years later, one of them invited Rachelle to join. We got to know each other long before she became an agent. Three other agents took a pass on what I was pitching. So did Rachelle! But we had a good basis for deciding we wanted to work together and just needed the right project.

The road to representation and publication isn’t usually a fast one.

Anne Lang Bundy – 25 years of composing documents, lessons, and essays developed my writing gift. A passion for all things Bible turned my pen to biblical fiction. After several months of connecting with Rachelle via “Rants and Ramblings” comments, I crafted individual queries for just two agents and obtained representation from WordServe. Three years’ study of fiction craft, five conferences, Rachelle’s encouragement, and the Lord’s grace now bring me to publication’s threshold.

Persevere through rejections.

Deborah Vogts – After a year of representation, my first agent dropped me as a client. Months later, I found the courage to submit my proposal to three more agents. Two doors closed, and Rachelle was Door #3. She liked my work and signed me as a client. Two months after that, we had an offer from Zondervan on my Seasons of the Tallgrass series. I like to think perseverance paid off, but it was also God’s timing.

If you mess up, all is not lost. But even so, learning how to query is good.

Lucille Zimmerman – I wanted to send my book idea to an agent but I didn’t know where to start. I Googled a writer’s conference and found a list of agents to contact. Greg Johnson wrote back and said he passed my email on to Rachelle. I did everything the wrong way, but she still wrote back and told me how to do a real query. Months later we met in person and she agreed to represent me.

Erin MacPherson – If there were an award for the worst query letter ever, I’d win it. When I decided to query, I had no clue what I was doing and no knowledge of the publishing world and it showed. Even worse, when Rachelle wrote me back and asked for a proposal, my response was “What’s a proposal?” Yikes. The good news? God is bigger than my stupidity. After some (okay, a lot of) coaching, Rachelle was nice enough to overlook my terrible first impression and sign me as a client anyway.

When it comes to representation, the right fit is of utmost importance.

Sandie Bricker – All the lunch tables in all the world, and she had to sit down at mine! I’ve had some awesome agents in the past, but I never seemed to find that right fit. Sitting down with Rachelle over lunch at the ACFW conference in Denver cemented the idea that it’s so important to have that “right fit” with your agent. Before they poured the coffee, I knew she and I were on the same page.

Erica Vetsch – At a workshop I attended, Rachelle presented her take on agent-author relationships and described exactly what I was looking for. At that time, I wrote only category romance, something Rachelle didn’t represent, but only a few weeks after that workshop she opened her client list to category romance authors looking to grow their careers. I contacted her, we agreed to work together, and since then we’ve sold several projects.

Marla Taviano – I already had four books traditionally published, then hit a wall. I reached out to Rachelle, and bless her wonderful heart, she threw me a lifeline. I can’t wait to be worth her while! Soon!

Attend a conference when you’re ready and when you’re stuck.

Maureen Lang – Conferences are helpful to writers at all levels, but if finances are an issue it’s wise to attend after you have a fully developed project. I met Greg at an ACFW conference, where we talked about my writing aspirations, our faith, and which publishers would be a good fit for me. It was quickly obvious he knew so much about the industry and that I could trust him.

Katie Ganshert – After devouring every craft book known to man, I reached a point where I couldn’t go any further on my own. I needed an agent. The query system wasn’t working for me, so I saved the money and went to the ACFW conference in 2009 where I pitched to Rachelle, garnered her interest, promptly submitted my manuscript, and received The Call two months later.

Amy K. Sorrells – Oozing with self-confidence after receiving 30+ rejection letters, I hopped on a plane and traveled the farthest I’d ever gone from home on my own, to the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference in 2009. After learning volumes from my “Leave it to Chance” roomate and WordServe client, Sherri Sand, as well as spending a week under the tutelage of Mary DeMuth, it’s no accident I came home, revised my manuscript (again), submitted three more proposals, and received “The Call” from Rachelle in January, 2010.

Enter contests. Finals are a great way to get an agent’s attention.

Keli Gwyn – Rachelle served as a final-round judge in a Romance Writers of America® chapter-level contest and requested my full. After completing my self-edit two weeks later, I sent the manuscript. The following day she emailed saying she wanted to “discuss the possibility of representation.” Four days later I was her client.

Jody Hedlund – While we don’t want to be obnoxious, we should be savvy in staying connected to agents who have our manuscripts. Rachelle had my full in her slush pile. After I finaled in a contest, I contacted her to update her. That email spurred her to pull my manuscript out and read it. She offered me representation a couple days later.

Richard Mabry – A door isn’t closed until God closes it. I’d given up writing when, on a whim, I entered a contest on Rachelle’s blog. I won a critique of the first chapter of my book, and when I sent my chapter, she emailed back, “Send me something that needs editing.” That led to a query, representation, and eventually a publishing contract. I thought I was through. God didn’t.

Take advantage of requests from editors.

Karen Witemeyer – At the 2007 ACFW conference, I met with a Bethany House editor who invited me to submit. That manuscript was rejected, but I was encouraged to submit another project. At ACFW in 2008, I visited with editors from Bethany House again, and they showed interest. I also met with Rachelle. Being able to say I had a nibble from a publisher was huge. Rachelle offered representation following that conference and negotiated my deal with Bethany House three months later.

Lisa Jordan – When I met Rachelle at ACFW, I wanted her as an agent. I pitched, but didn’t follow through on her invite to submit. After finaling in the Genesis and receiving a full request from an editor, I pitched to Rachelle again. She asked to see the full first. Once I submitted, she offered representation a week later. Don’t give up on pitching to a specific agent, even if you pitched to him or her in the past.

Ramp it up and embrace the 3 C’s – Conferences, Contacts, and Contests

Camille Eide – Conferences, Contacts and Contests all contributed to landing my agent. At a writing conference, I was encouraged to seek representation. I asked a writing mentor (contact) for a referral. She sent an intro letter and my query to Rachelle, who requested the full. While I waited, I entered a novel contest. The book placed as a finalist, sending it to the top of Rachelle’s pile. She read the full and called to offer representation.

Dineen Miller – I knew of Rachelle by her amazing reputation as an editor, so when I heard she’d become an agent, I put her on my list as one of two top picks. I made an appointment with her at the 2008 ACFW Conference and showed her my work. We clicked. Later I found out that two colleagues had recommended me too. The week after the conference, I happily signed on and am so glad I did!

Network. Participate in the publishing community. Relationships matter.

Alexis Grant – I connected over Twitter with a writer who, unbeknownst to me, was friends with Rachelle. My Twitter friend knew I was working on a travel memoir about backpacking solo through Africa, and she happened to hear Rachelle say she wanted to rep a book about Africa. That Twitter friend — who had by then become an email-and-phone friend — called me and asked, “Have you thought about querying Rachelle Gardner?”

Katy McKenna – For several years, while writing my first novel, I got to know many wonderful authors (and soon-to-be authors) through blogging. We’d exchange comments on each other’s sites and I happily hosted many author interviews on my blog. When one dear friend learned my novel was complete, she forwarded my proposal (without me asking) to Rachelle with a note of recommendation. That was on a Friday. Four days later, I had an agent.

Megan DiMaria – It’s important to participate in the publishing community and attend gatherings of writers, agents, and publishers. In July of 2009 the ICRS was in Denver, where I live. My publisher got me a pass to attend, but there was a problem at the front desk. Rachelle saw my dilemma and kindly escorted me to the publisher’s office. We struck up a conversation and decided to meet to discuss representation. Obviously, it worked out!

Catherine West – I first ‘met’ Rachelle in 2008. She was a blogging mom who loved books and dogs. She became one of my ‘blogging buddies’ and I enjoyed her posts. I then learned she was a freelance editor. I had a new story idea brewing, asked for her opinion, and when the manuscript was finished, she asked to read it. Around that time she became a literary agent, and a few months afterward, I became her client.

Michelle DeRusha – I connected with writers online, not simply to attract more blog readers but to create mutually beneficial online friendships. One author read my book proposal and then graciously offered to refer me to her agent, Rachelle, who emailed me within a day to request my manuscript. I hope to be able to pass on the favor to another new writer someday.

Martha Carr – I was working on a true story about a possessed house in Pittsburgh and a mutual writer friend, who was represented by Greg, introduced me to Rachelle. I sent her a sample of my work and in less than a day I got a return email asking if I wanted to talk about representation.

Krista Phillips – I’m very new to the Wordserve Group. I signed with Rachelle about a month ago! And really, it came down to the fruits of networking. When an editor was potentially interested in my book (from my networking)  I contacted two friends I’d networked with (clients of Rachelle’s) and one of them e-mailed Rachelle a referral. Spoke with Rachelle, who noted she was familiar with me because of my networking on Twitter, and she offered representation!

Beth Vogt – My first book about late-in-life motherhood partly resulted from my established relationships at MOPS International. I was not represented by an agent at that time. I’d connected with Beth Jusino, first as the editor of MomSense, and then as friends when she was an agent at Alive Communications. She gave me invaluable advice as I wrote my book. When Beth suggested I contact Rachelle, I knew I could trust her judgment and endorsement.

Joanne Kraft – Sharing my contract news with a writer-friend, she said, “Now you need an agent. And I know just the perfect fit for you…Rachelle Gardner!”

“Oh yeah? There’s just one problem, I don’t know Rachelle Gardner.”

“No, but I do.” She laughed.

Within minutes, three chapters of my manuscript launched into cyberspace. My girlfriend, who I’d originally met through blogging, became mine and Rachelle’s matchmaker.

Never underestimate the power of girlfriends, blogging, or networking!

Above all else, write well.

In the wise words of Camille Eide, you can do all these things we offer plus stand on your head and gargle, but if you aren’t writing well, following these tips won’t get you agented. So make sure to give attention where attention is due. Good writing must come first.

Do you have an agent? If so, what advice do you have for those who are looking? If not, where are you in the process? Please join in the conversation! Introduce yourself. We’d love to get to know you. 

79 Replies to “Tips for Landing an Agent”

  1. Woohoo! The WordServe Water Cooler is live! Loved reading the stories of how my awesome agency mates came to be WS clients. What I like best is that no two journeys are exactly alike.

  2. Kelli, thanks for all you and all the others have done to get us here. I have already been touched by the kindness and abundant-thinking of this group. I am in awe to be part of this cadre of talented authors. I’m praying the things we’ve learned will help someone else who wants to be represented and published!

  3. How exciting to have something go from a “So what do you think?” idea to a beautiful reality built on relationships and the desire to encourage other writers. I am thrilled to be a part of this.
    Katie, you started us off well. Thanks for the time it took to compile all these insights!

  4. Keli, I’m with you. I like the variety of the responses. Plus, there are so many of us in this post that we’re bound to say something useful, if only by accident. Monkeys on typewriters, I tell you!

  5. hello! Do I get to be the first comment on this blog from an outsider??? That’s something! I find it interesting how few landed an agent by querying. I’ve yet to query, Did have three requests for fulls at a conference last year, but still haven’t heard back, so I’m sitting in the slush. But, I’d like to revise what’s in the slush now anyhow!

    One day, I’m going to be on this blog (how’s that for hubris? 🙂 Ok, one day maybe with fingers crossed I’ll get to say Rachelle signed me on after presenting her a new manuscript to add to her slush at conference every year. Someday I’ll write something she liked enough that when she peeked at my submision, she didn’t relocate it to maybe land. 🙂 I agree with a few up there, I sat with her at lunch one day and just plain liked her. Anyway, I know it’s not gush about Rachelle day–which she’ll probably find disturbing if she reads this, so moving on…

    I’m planning on pitching to the handful of agents I’ll meet at conference with a better manuscript this year, maybe even the last one revised like I want it after a year of reflection and better writing skills, and then if that’s a no-go, I’ll probably attempt the querying process for the first time. I’ve got some contest finals now under my belt this year so I feel like I actually have something to put in the author bio section of a query!

    1. Hi Melissa! It sounds like you’re doing everything right! Networking, entering contests, learning the craft, going to conferences, and continuing to write. Keep on keepin’ on, girl! We will be excited to celebrate with you when your time comes. 🙂

    2. All of us have been in your shoes, Melissa – with a dream and the motivation it takes to see it fulfilled. It really does sound like you’re on your way!

    3. Melissa, I think hubris is a sure part of this process. The journey can be long…full of ups and downs. So trusting the fact that you have something to say, and knowing you are the one to say it, is key. At the same time, being able to humbly accept critiques, and make changes is also part of the journey. We’re so glad you joined us here. Thanks for commenting.

  6. Good morning. Congratulations on your new site. I think it’s going to be great. I’ve been writing for a long time now – different kinds of things – but only in the last year finished a fiction novel and started the process of searching for an agent and publisher. Most of my time has been spent learning about the publishing business from books, blogs, etc. It’s a big world out there! I know that all things happen in God’s time. He will do what he does, and I need to be learning, refining, perfecting what I do. It is truly a growing experience for me, both in my craft skills and as a Christian. I am learning a lot about myself through this process and would love to hear your comments on the introspective aspect of waiting: for the right timing,agent, editor, publisher, contract. God’s plan is always perfect and even when he has us wait for something there is purpose in that, and I think we are to be learning and growing even as we wait. I have read Marybeth Whalen’s book, For the Write Reason, and love that over and over again the writers focus on God’s plan, purpose and timing. Would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this. Thank you so much, and blessings on this new endeavor.

    1. Oh my goodness Sherri – you have no idea how much I relate to this post. Waiting has grown me so much. It’s been uncomfortable, but oh so good. I have a post that you might resonate with about waiting (funny enough, I wrote this post two weeks before getting The Call from my agent that we had a book deal):

      I hope you find it encouraging!

  7. So excited the Water Cooler has gone live!! Thanks so much for the team who worked hard to get this blog up and running. Great job. Thanks so much for putting together a terrific post, Katie!! I love the responses. I look forward to learning from everyone.

    1. Hey Jessica! Fun to see you here! Hope you find it a helpful, fun place to be. 🙂

  8. I echo Lisa Jordon. This will be a wonderful place to learn and grow for all of us. I’m really looking forward to it. The Water Cooler gang is live. Yippee! And I was fortunate enough to get Rachelle as an agent after I sold to Realms. Anything is possible. You just keep plotting away.

  9. Yippee — so excited to see this day come to fruition! I think it will be a great resource for writers — many congratulations to all of you who worked so hard to make it happen!

  10. Katie, wowser! You did a great job compiling, sorting, and categorizing everyone’s responses. Thank you!

    So excited about this venture.

  11. Thrilled to see WordServe Gone Live!! And for readers who are hoping to attract an agent, take heart—the ways in which in might happen are varied and marvelous. If you work on building relationships in the publishing community while you are developing your writing skills, it’s likely the time will come when serendipity strikes.

    Thanks to all who’ve launched this blog, and welcome to those who are thirsty for refreshment from the WordServe Water Cooler!

  12. Hey, Melissa, there are no “outsiders” here! We’re happy to have you, and all the new visitors. The biggest thing we agreed on during the collaboration was that we wanted to create a comfortable, fun place people can come to for a wealth of publishing-related information. We hope you’ll come back often!

  13. What an exciting day for Word Servers…and, we hope, for our readers! This is a great post with lots of wonderful information. Katie, Keli, Rosslyn, and all those who helped with launch…thank you! I expect this will be my second blog stop of every day, right behind Rachelle’s. 🙂

    God bless you all on this exciting day!

  14. Hi, Jennifer Hallmark here. A newbie at the moment, I just sold my first sold story. I went to my first conference back in May, the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference, and realized I’m not quite ready for an agent. I made an appointment with one anyway, and talked to her about how she became an agent and learned a lot. My first novel was critiqued at the conference and I’m almost finished revising. I plan to glean a lot from this website, just like I have from Rachel’s. Keep up the good advice!

    1. Hi Jennifer! Congrats on selling your first story! That’s great! Sounds like you’re doing all the right things. 🙂

  15. What a great first blog post!! I’m excited to see some “cyber-friends” in the comments, and plan to make this a regular stop in my blog-browsing! This is so timely. I have completed a manuscript, and started another, and know that the road to publication will have to include an agent. It’s great to hear all the various stories of how writers sign on with an agent. It’s encouraging, and unlike many areas of writing, I know it’s a God-thing when it happens. Last year at ACFW I had a request for a full, and it’s still sitting in a slush pile, with no response. I know that’s not unusual, but I’m hoping for better things this year! Thanks for the encouragement!!

    1. Hi Regina! Most every writer is well-acquainted with the slush pile. Are you going to ACFW this year? It’s such a fun conference!

    2. Thanks for stopping by our blog, Regina! It sounds like you’re on a familiar path. I love your awareness of the God-things along the way. He’s in every high and every low, too. Sometimes we just have to sit down and reflect on that. 🙂

  16. Enjoyed learning how each of you received agent representation with WordServe. The Water Cooler is a great place for advice and to get encouragement. I recognize some names and faces from interviews on other blogs and the ACFW loops. In addition to attending a writer’s conference and meeting with editors and agents, learning the craft from reading books on writing and other novels, networking on social media and submitting to contests to receive feedback, the next important thing for me was joining ACFW. Had my query letter posted at Writer’s Edge Service, but nothing came of that. In the past two years I’ve had requests for a full on my novel but then offer of representation was declined. I continue to query agents with it. I have short stories in a number of anthologies. As I wait it’s been helpful for me as a writer to appear at book events like libraries, churches and festivals with other authors and get to meet the public with the books that contain some of my stories. It’s also been useful for me to work on a second novel. Many thanks for sharing your stories and for all the comments.

  17. I was very encouraged by all of these stories. I currently don’t have an agent and I’m not sure when to pursue one. I’ve been to 2 writers conferences and met some amazing people who have helped me perfect my writing. After this past conference, I walked away with two new editor/author mentors, who have both helped me tremendously! Although I don’t have an agent yet, I can see the validity in all these true stories. I will have one of my own someday!

    1. I think you’ll know when the time is right to pitch an agent, Daphne. Until then keep writing, keep learning, go to writers’ conferences and stay in the game.

  18. What a great site! I’m looking forward to hearing more from all of you. For me, landing an agent came to lots of hard work, connections through my crit partners, and most of all God’s timing. One of my CPs worked as an editorial assistant for the agent I was scheduled to meet with at the ACFW conference. So when he heard of my connection to her, I think he was predisposed to consider me more seriously.

      1. Thanks, Lucille. Yours, too!
        I got agented six months ago, so it’s still a big learning curve. I’m excited to be part of this discussion, and to be able to chat about the growing pains of being/becoming a writer. One of the biggest things a writer needs is a network of support. This is a great place to build that kind of community. Great idea, guys! I look forward to the discussions.

  19. In case you haven’t spotted it, the one common denominator is that none of us has done it alone. I used to think it was all about what I could do. No way Jose. The road is paved with so many other people coming alongside, cheering, connecting, critiquing, promoting, etc. That’s why I get goosebumps about this site. We can do so much more together!

    1. Love this Lucille! So true. None of us have found success on an island. We need others!

  20. Fantastic blog with lots of valuable information! Wonderful to see so many of my writer friends represented by WordServe. Looking forward to ‘drinking’ from this Water Cooler again soon! God bless!

  21. Yeah! So proud to be part of this group. If I just had this advice 4 years ago…….so much good wisdom here. We’re not in this writing journey alone, and this is community building at it’s best.

  22. Love the new site! My name is Martha Ramirez. Nice to meet you all! Very encouraging post. I am not represented yet. I’ve come so VERY close that it can be discouraging at times but such is life. Gotta get back on that horse.
    I’m really excited about my latest project. Just received a request on the full yesterday.

    1. So good to meet you Martha and congrats on the full!! That is GREAT news! Hope to see you around the water cooler often. 🙂

  23. Awesome advice everyone! I love reading these comments because they’re so inspiring. 🙂 Can’t wait to read more! And Camille, I hope I never, ever have to stand on my head and gargle. Is it even possible? lol

  24. Wow, this is such an AWESOME post! I love hearing the different stories and am reminded once again that it is all in God’s time and in His way. Can’t wait to visit here again! 🙂

  25. Honored to be a contributor to this historic post. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. And thanks to those who commented.

  26. Woohooo! It’s up and running. Yippee. I just got back to my hotel room and couldn’t go to bed without taking a peek. Congratulations. So many of you worked so hard. May the Lord bless every one of you for a job well done.

    It’s an honor to be a part of such a dedicated and gifted group of writers.

  27. Hooray for this wonderful new resource! Thanks, Keli, for pointing me in this direction. I’m adding it to my Reader in anticipation of lots of a lot of great reading and tips.

  28. Wow! This is an incredible site! Thank you so much for the advice and encouragement. I am a fiction writer of fantasy/adventure for middle school kids. I have my first book, “The Dragon Forest” out through OakTara publishing. It is the first of a trilogy. I just completed the second book tonight and have a professional editor editing it. My question is, can an agent assist me in getting the books sold to a larger publishing house that can help me market my books? I was told that a big house publisher won’t want a trilogy unless they published all 3 books. What are your thoughts? Should I just stay with the smaller house publisher or try to get a big house interested?

  29. Wow! This is an incredible site! Thank you so much for the advice and encouragement. I am a fiction writer of fantasy/adventure for middle school kids. I have my first book, “The Dragon Forest” out through OakTara publishing. It is the first of a trilogy. I just completed the second book tonight and have a professional editor editing it. My question is, can an agent assist me in getting the books sold to a larger publishing house that can help me market my books? I was told that a big house publisher won’t want a trilogy unless they published all 3 books. What are your thoughts? Should I just stay with the smaller house publisher or try to get a big house interested?

  30. I am really excited about this blog. I am an author who has not yet been published and in the stage of questioning whether or not my time is being wasted on writing. I’m sure it is the same story for many writers. I get excited, write, edit, re-edit, submit queries, get discouraged and put it away. Months later the desire overrides my discouragement and off I go again on a new novel.
    What I keep hearing is query letters are not the correct road, conferences are. But is my writing good enough to warrant spending the money on a conference or am I just wasting time?
    Trust in the Lord is my only solace. I know He is in control and if it is His will then He will guide me. My problem is wondering if my nudging to write is His guidance or my own desire. As in many things in life, time will tell.

    1. Sandy – you said it yourself: “I am an author.” You have a drive & a knack for words and Someone placed that knack and desire in you. DON’T give up. The road isn’t a short one, and the only ones certain to not finish are the ones who quit before they arrive. Take comfort in the Lord and that He places desires in us, and that He will guide you in His timing. Patience, Persistence, and above all, Peace. I’ll be posting about finding Peace in the Process next week. Don’t let discouragement stall you in writing or in anything your heart desires. Let it motivate you to press on. We are not born best-selling authors. (Well, most of us aren’t, and we don’t discuss those who ARE here.) I am not your Maker so I can’t tell you if writing is your God-given path, but I do know that he cares about us in every aspect of our path, the one He planned, and even when his timing is not ours, He still comes through with nudges and open doors to help steer us on. Ask and then watch for them. Be encouraged – everyone struggles and waits and doubts -no matter where we’re at in this process. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

      (check out this article I was asked to submit recently at ACFW’s Afitcionado Magazine on how God steers me as a writer, hope it encourages you! )

  31. What an amazing blog site. I think I must feel a little like Dorothy when she stepped into OZ! You are talking about subjects I have wondered about but never pursued because I had no idea how to enter this universe. I am so new to the writing/publishing world that I don’t know what an ACFW conference is, but I am about to learn. Thanks very much!

    1. Hi Teri! ACFW stands for American Christian Fiction Writers and is a large organization that holds an annual national conference. Many wordserve clients, but definitely not all, write for the Christian market. So glad you’re excited about our site!!

  32. I’m at the beginning stages of learning about the world of publishing and really enjoyed this post. I did submit a full non-fiction manuscript to Christian Manuscript Submissions. So far, only one hit from a new publishing group (Kirkdale Press) but haven’t heard back yet. Thanks for the great ideas and encouragement.

  33. My dear friend and fellow future author sent me over to visit this wonderful blog. I am in the process of polishing my query letter and book proposal in hopes of finding an agent and publisher to accept my manuscript. I have poured over manuals from the book store and how to write these so they are pitch perfect, but it’s nice to hear from actual people on what they have experienced.

    Thank you, thank you!

    Amy Quonce

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