WordServe News: March 2017

Exciting things have been happening this month at WordServe Literary!

On the final post of each month you’ll find a list of Water Cooler contributors’ recently released books along with a recap of WordServe client news.

New Releases

Mary Davis’s novella, “An Unlikely Hero,” was published as part of The Pony Express Romance Collection from Barbour. Nine adventure-filled novellas revive the period between April 1860 and November 1861 when riders faced daily urgency and danger to get mail across the country via the Pony Express.

Stephen Kuhn released 52 Amazing Things that Became True of You the Moment You Trusted Christ with FaithWords. Once you accept Jesus, your identity is now “in Christ” — but what exactly does that mean? Stephen helps you fully understand your true identity based on God’s love, enable you to walk in His power rather than your own.

Tracie Miles released Unsinkable Faith with David C Cook. Offering hope for women who struggle with negativity, each chapter explores Tracie’s and other women’s personal stories, showing how they rose above their circumstances by transforming and renewing their minds. Despite what storms roll in, hearts anchored in God don’t sink.

Joe Wheeler released My Favorite Life-Changing Stories with Pacific Press. The fourth book in his My Favorite Stories Collection, this volume looks at stories having to do with pivotal moments or powerful experiences in a person’s life.

New Contracts 

Dr. Daniel Amen signed with Tyndale for the publication of Stones of Remembrance, a collection of Scriptures for memorization and meditation as well as tips on using Scriptures for meditation, improving memory capacity, and incorporating Scripture memory into one’s life.

Mark Atteberry and Many Harvey signed with Howard to publish Sensing the Rhythm, Mandy’s story of becoming profoundly deaf at the age of 19 and how she learns new ways to “hear” and sing music, as well as her spiritual journey along the way, for publication in 2018.

Kent Hunter signed with FaithWords for the publication of his book, Who Broke My Church?, in early 2018. Based on a survey of 75,000 churchgoers of all denominations and 1-on-1 interviews, the book offers practical directions for Christians to experience the breakthrough impact every church could make on society.

Andy Savage signed a 2-book deal with Bethany House for his books Making Marriage Make Sense, which considers how good marriage can be when we dare to deal with the one thing that erodes perfection: selfishness; and Making Parenting Make Sense, which will speak to the biblical, practical, and sometimes radical high calling of parenting–equipping moms and dads to navigate the journey without the pressure of perfection.

Joe Wheeler signed with PZZ to publish a Polish edition of My Favorite Angel Stories. 

New Clients

Judy Thompson, Christy Johnson, Jared Frederick, Lionel Hollins, Remy Maaddi, Andrea Gurney, and Matt Rogers joined WordServe this month.

What We’re Celebrating

Outreach Magazine named two WordServe books as Resources of the Year! Adam S. McHugh’s The Listening Life was named the Christian Living Resource of the Year, and Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, and Brad Griffin’s Growing Young was named Church Resource of the Year. Congratulations to our authors!

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that Joe L. Wheeler’s entire backlist is now available digitally as ebooks! Many out of print titles have also been restored to print with paperback editions. You can find them all on Amazon.com, and find out more on Joe’s website: http://joewheelerbooks.com/.