Self-promoting & The Humble Artist

As a  novelist seeking publication, I am on a dizzying curve to learn all I can about promoting my writing. The writing I’d much rather be doing instead of promoting. The writing which must be STELLAR in order to sell, also known as Marketing Rule #1.

I’m pretty sure Marketing Rule #2 is to be Karen Kingsbury.

And then several other pesky marketing rules follow. Some of these rules frighten me, to be honest (assuming I can be honest here). Some of them make sense, some make my armpits itch, and some sound like something I can actually do without creating an intense desire to set my toenails on fire.

We need not discuss how self-promotion is distasteful and beneath us, yada yada yada. Yes, we are humble artists whose only goal is to capture beauty and heartbreaking prose that touches the heart of every last one of God’s creatures. We need not target our audience because art transcends all forms of class distinction. We refuse to engage in reader-profiling. And we humbly insist on letting our work speak for itself because a true artist never toots her own horn. Or anything else.

Yeah, good luck with that.



Savanna’s Gift, an eBook/novella Christmas Romance, launches today. And through December, it’s ONLY $1.00? Such a deal! Can you say charming yet inexpensive Christmas gift?

So to celebrate my launch, I want to share a simple tool I’ve recently developed in my humble quest to humbly promote my book. My romantic, enchanting, quick-to-read, perfect-for-the-holidays book. Did I mention it’s only $1?


I’ve created what I call a “mini press kit” to share with those who want to help spread the word about said fabulous book. The kit starts with a brief note about the launch date and other pertinent info, and also includes ready-to-post things like:

1. Tweets  (140 characters or less)

These include a and a #hashtag or two about my #fabulous #romantic #Christmas #romance and include my @Name so I’ll know when  #someonelovesme and is #spreadingthelove.

Example #1: When she gets a 2nd chance at the love of her life, will the dream that divided them get in the way? #Christmas #eBook

Example #2: Rekindled love, God’s gifts & 2nd chances: Savanna’s Gift by @CamilleEide $1 for kindle #ChristmasRomance

2.  Facebook Posts: Polite blurbs that you and all your FB friends including your mom can post on Facebook.

Example: Savanna’s Gift, by Camille Eide, is a Christmas romance about lost love, 2nd chances and recognizing God’s gifts to us, set in an elegantly adorned, rustic ski lodge in the beautiful evergreen Oregon Cascades. Only $1 thru Dec 31 at

3.  Book Tagline & Short Blurb (a.k.a. BCC)

4.  Bio (50-100 wds)

5.  Website & blog links, retailer pages, YouTube book trailer link, Goodreads page, etc.

6.  Attached Book Cover & Headshot .jpgs

This press kit is in no way an exhaustive list of the things you can do to prepare for an eBook launch, but it’s a start for those of you hesitant to enter the fray of shameless self-promotion. Of course, we can write a book SO FABULOUS that it speaks for itself and never needs a single toot from our own humble horns. We’re artists—we’re allowed to dream . . .

Q: What are some of the most effective and least toenail-igniting methods you’ve discovered for promoting your book?

48 Replies to “Self-promoting & The Humble Artist”

  1. It appears that you’ve got a lot of bases covered, but I’m sure the promotion will still involve a lot of work. I wish you much success.


    1. Yep, this is just a simple starter kit. I decided to collect the things I was being asked for repeatedly from blog hosts/hostesses. Makes it easy to share & reuse if you’ve got it all in one place. Of course, being involved in online communities is another big spoke in the eBook promotion wheel. That would make a great blog post in itself. (hint hint, Coolios…)

  2. hmmm…I’d say just be willing to try anything that presents itself (that you aren’t morally opposed to!) I’ve had good luck guest blogging…though I had even better luck being mentioned in passing in someone’s blog as a Nanowrimo success story.

    Active participation in a forum seems to help as well…oddly enough I get a number of sales from a writers forum merely because I try to answer as many questions for new writers as I can. I never post my link there and I only talk about my own book when it is a useful example. Perhaps it is a case of personality selling the book…but either way they seem to like the books after they read them. : )

    I think that really falls under the “word of mouth” category…you wouldn’t want to pretend an interest in back yard chickens just so you could hang out on chicken forums and bring up your book to chicken lovers (you know, if your book happened to have chickens in it) but at the same time if you are already a part of something, you should have your book link and a quippy tag line in your signature. Be your friendly self and people will want to click it. : ) for example, I’m “Hilarious Whodunnits from the Sleuth Next Door” but I’m sure you’ve seen these before and know what I’m talking about. : )



    1. I agree, Traci. Word of mouth is King. Wait, Story is King, so word of mouth is like First Knight, at least. (because Craft is Queen, right? And Queen is the neck that turns the King’s head… )

      Anyway, you’re right. Online presence makes all the difference. We should look for ways to be “there” and be authentic about it. Don’t be phony & self-promoting in the sense that it’s your motivation for being part of a community. I want to meet and get to know those who are like-minded, those who inspire me with their wit & profundity. The bonus is that some of those folks may be the ones who will be interested & touched in some way by both my fiction AND my random mumblings. 🙂

  3. As one of your blog hosts, Camille, let me say that I was mightily impressed by your media kit. You gave me everything I needed in one neat package. =)

  4. Great advice! I’ve seen lots of stuff on SAvannah’s gift floating around the internet, so something is working. I’ll be putting your advice to work soon! 🙂

      1. Thank you, Lucille! “Tweeting” and “posting” sounds more polite than “tooting”, don’t you think? But even us artists must get off our high-horse at times and make whatever noise it takes. Word of mouth still rules and rocks, so whatever we can do to get that started, I suppose we must. Thanks again!! 🙂

    1. Linda, I bought your Polar Bear Plunge last night and am fixing to read it again. (Been a while since I critted it!) Looking forward to Aleni & Brice’s story again of a war widow meeting a war-hero who doesn’t seem to appreciate the value of his life… excellent story!! (

  5. Wow – Camille, that is awesome. I’m totally going to make my own press kit. I never even thought about this before. But seriously, you are making it SO easy and convenient for your fans and friends to help promote your work!

    1. My fans, Aww, you just made me blush, Katie. 🙂 Note: I have a second doc for just li’l ol’ me that includes all this stuff plus all the links to the blogs where I’m a guest over the next few weeks or was interviewed, mentioned, etc, so I can include some of those into tweets & emails, etc, for those who might have particular interest in that blog or the topic. Hopefully help generate some traffic for the blogger. Because I AM so popular and plan to attract hordes of groupies & paparazzi wherever I go…. (*snort*)

  6. I’m reading Savanna’s Gift right now (in between all the life interruptions) and enjoying it so much! And you’ve made it so easy to let others know about your novel, Camille! Great ideas!!

  7. The prospect of promoting my book is a daunting. The mini-press kit seems reasonable. I hope that you update this regularly with what went right and what you would do differently.

    1. That’s a great idea, Herschel. It will take some creativity to see which kinds of promotional communications were most effective. I will report back my findings. Best of luck & blessings on your promotion. 🙂

  8. Thank you, Camille, for the mini-press kit. I found it very valuable. My e-book will be published sometime early next year and it scares me to death that I won’t have enough goodies in my bag to promote it well.

    1. You’re welcome. This is just a starter, a way to keep yourself organized to save time hunting for all the pieces you’ll want to share. The easier the info is to get your hands on, the easier it may be to keep the word spreading. That’s the theory, anyway. So far, it’s saved me time hunting down stuff, or worse, reinventing stuff I’d already written. Just simple organization, really. Blessings on your new book!

  9. As one of Camille’s upcoming blog tour stops (okay, two stops, with a review on Wednesday and a guest post on Friday!) I can attest to how helpful her mini press kit has been in prepping and scheduling the posts–and helping her get the word out. Because, honestly, it’s a great little novella. I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

    Way to go, Camille!

    1. Thanks, Valerie! I’m looking forward to being your guest!! And thanks for the kind words.

      (Disclaimer: I did not bribe Valerie with cookies or chocolate or twist her arm.)

  10. Fantastic info, Camille! Love all you had to say and will definitely use it! Your local ACFW’s have known you’re awesome for years…so glad you finally get to share it with the world! 😉

    1. Aw, Mesu – you made me blush too. Thanks. And congrats again on your new 2 book deal – your biblical fiction books sound very unique and exciting. Blessings!!

  11. Way to go, Camille! Sounds like you’ve got a great start!

    To be perfectly honest, think I am less bothered by the idea of shameless self-promotion than I am at the idea that I might be perceived as shamelessly self-promoting. I don’t even want to think about what that statement says about my character, but I did warn you that I was trying to be perfectly honest… ;^)

    Your press kit ideas sound like a great start for someone already actively engaged in social media. For those, like myself, who are still new to social media in general, tweets and fb notices don’t have much effect…because nobody is listening…and if all I talk about is my new book, nobody will start listening…

    Glad to hear things are going well for you, and hope that continues. Have a wonderful holiday season!

    1. Actually, the little tweets & blurbs are for others to use for you, and are just a handy way of having them ready to go without the need to keep rethinking/retyping them out. So you can actually get word out through your socially prolific friends without the need to annoy your own budding collection of cyber friends. 🙂

      1. Ah! I missed that part. Interesting approach. I’ll have to give that one some more thought.


  12. Congratulations on your new release! Thanks for sharing about your mini press kit. That’s something I need to pull together before my next release!

  13. Great post! Self promotion is a must for authors — good luck & God’s blessings!

  14. Love the idea of your mini press-kit, and SO excited that your novella has released!!! Gonna go buy it right now!! 🙂

    1. The good thing about this little media kit is that you can easily give into to friends so they can “toot” for you. If they like your book, that is. Which they must, if they are your friends, because they have very good taste. 🙂

  15. Too busy answering your question, I forgot to mention that the mini-press kit is pure genius and I’m going to put one together as well! Likewise I’m sure a mini-clips kit would be a good idea. Thanks for sharing this!

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